Tundra to Table: Vertical Farming in the Arctic The vast Arctic territory is rich in resources including minerals, hydrocarbons, and wildlife. However, high latitudinal regions receive little sunlight for…
My path as the Founder of Vertical Harvest was based on a desire to bring food and jobs to my community. Long before Vertical Harvest was even a concept,…
Vertical Harvest yellowstonepark.com by Carly Everett July, 2016 VERTICAL HARVEST At an elevation of 6,237 ft. above sea level and with winters that can last until May, Jackson isn’t…
Vertical Farming, utilizing applied Indoor Controlled Agriculture methods, is a burgeoning solution to the inherent challenge of feeding the ever expanding population. New frameworks in plant production, found in…
Planet Jackson Hole By Annie Fenn July 20, 2016 Growing with hydroponic farmer Sean Stone at Vertical Harvest. JACKSON HOLE, WY – The sun has barely risen and Sean…
by Bernard Lahousse on June 28, 2016 Often referred to as “the fifth taste,” umami is somewhat elusive to describe because it is a subtle savoriness that enhances the…
Prototype New York Times By Claire Martin March 26, 2016 The Wyoming soil, iced over for eight months of the year, is not particularly hospitable to heirloom tomatoes, baby basil…
GardenCollage.com By Karen Hastings February 2, 2016 It’s a brisk December day in Wyoming as my feet crunch across the earth’s icy crust to a parking garage in the…
Second Nature Words by Jennifer Walton. It all started when a mutual friend thought Jackson Residents Nona Yehia and Penny McBride ought to meet. There were simply too many…
Hosts Dickson Despommier and Vincent Racaniello speak with Penny McBride and Nona Yehia, founders of Vertical Harvest indoor farm in Jackson, Wyoming. …